The Planning Committee
The Colorado Teen Literature Conference is entirely volunteer organized! Here's where you can learn more about the 2024-2025 team.
Arra Katona
Committee Chair
Arra has served on almost all positions of the Colorado Teen Literature Conference board. She is currently the Committee's Chair––this conference would not function without all of Arra's efforts! She is the Teen Services Coordinator for Jeffco Public Library and the favorite part of her job is Speed Dating with a Book and Laser Tag. Arra has an undergrad degree in viola performance and then decided to pursue libraries as a more lucrative career option.
Julia Torres
Keynote Author Coordinator
Julia (@juliaerin80) is a language arts teacher and teen services librarian in Denver, Colorado. An advocate for all students and public education, Torres is a frequent conference and event speaker, and facilitates workshops and professional conversations about equity, anti-bias/anti-racist education, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and literacy in the digital age. She is a current member of the Los Angeles Times Book Award Committee, a 2020 Library Journal Mover and Shaker, and a past president of the Colorado Language Arts Society (a regional affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English). She is the co-author of Liven Up Your Library: Design Engaging and Inclusive Programs for Tweens and Teens (ISTE 2021).
Angela Wagner
Local Authors Coordinator
With 24 years of experience in education, Angela began her journey teaching 7th-grade Life Sciences before earning a master’s degree in Educational Technology and Information Literacy from the University of Colorado-Denver. For the past 20 years, she has served as a librarian in Jefferson County, passionately supporting students across elementary, middle, and high school levels. As an educator, wife, and parent, she is dedicated to making a positive impact in her community and fostering a love for learning and reading in every student she encounters.
Catherine Boddie
Session Coordinator
Catherine was a teen librarian for 12 years before moving into the Teen Services Supervisor role at Arapahoe Libraries. She has spent most of her career focused on community outreach, mentoring, and training.
Bridget Kiely
Technology Support
Formerly a teen librarian and teen librarian supervisor, Bridget now works with teens who've aged out of teen programing, aka adults. Catch her reading sci-fi adventures centering found family, learning obscure animal facts, and experimenting with bright nail polishes. Or, more professionally, you may encounter her at an outreach event somewhere in Jefferson County where she's now employed as an Adult Services Outreach Coordinator. If you find an error on our website PLEASE let her know!
Meagan Parry
Meagan is the Registrar for the Colorado Teen Literature Conference! She graduated with a Bachelor of Music - Piano Performance from Adams State University, and then succumbed to her fate and followed in both of her parents’ footsteps by earning her Master in Library and Information Science from Emporia State University. Meagan has been a Teen Librarian with Jefferson County Public Library since 2017 and most enjoys working with her incredible Teen Advisory Board on their many creative programs for teens. As the Registrar, she may be just the first of many to greet you at the conference this year!
Christa Funke
Promotions and Marketing
Christa stumbled into libraries almost 15 years ago as a recovering theater major who enjoys using her performance experience in library programming. After falling in love with library work, Christa pursued her Master of Library and Information Science from San Jose State University and after 11 years of library experience working with kids and tweens, pioneered the role of Senior Librarian for Tweens at Pikes Peak Library District. She recently "grew up" into working with teens and is thrilled to be serving her first year on the Colorado Teen Literature Conference Committee.
Emily Miller
Emily has worked in libraries for over 25 years and currently serves as the Acquisitions and Collection Development Librarian for Jefferson County Public Library. In this role, she is responsible for selecting media and teen materials to enrich the library’s collection. With a deep passion for reading, Emily is also an avid movie lover, with a particular fondness for comedy, and cherishes time spent with her daughter. Her extensive experience in library services, along with her love of humor and entertainment, shapes the way she connects with the community.